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There are two definitions for the word Forex. It is, along with FX an anagram for foreign exchange market which trade’s currencies. In a forex trade, you buy one currency while simultaneously selling another - that is, you're exchanging the sold currency for the one you're buying. The foreign exchange market is an over-the-counter market. The other Forex is a major conglomerate that is, in their own words, a global provider of online trading services, servicing customers in more than 140 countries. In the next few minutes I will attempt to educate you on both of these terms, and what they can mean to your future.

For an awful long time the foreign exchange market had been one of the financial world's best kept secrets. This is hard to believe considering it is the largest market in the world and accept for weekends trades 24 hours a day. It was mostly the playground for large banks, corporations and hedge fund managers. Currencies are trade in pairs, like the Euro-US Dollar (EUR/USD) or US Dollar / Japanese Yen (USD/JPY). Unlike stocks or futures, there's no centralized exchange for forex, so all transactions happen via phone or electronic network. That electronic network path is the reason for this astounding day trader like mentality, and also the reason that perhaps you are reading this in the first place. Your computer allows you to tap into this market, and take advantage of fact that it does indeed trade 24 hours. With average daily turnover of US$3.2 trillion, forex is without a doubt the most traded market in the world. Starting Sunday 5:00 P.M. ET to Friday 5:00 P.M. ET, forex trading begins in Sydney, and moves around the globe as the business day begins, first to Tokyo, London, and New York. So trading currencies is unlike other financial markets, because investors can respond immediately to currency fluctuations, whenever they occur - day or night.

I guess that means getting involved with FX will mean you’ll get very little sleep. Until the massive access to affordable software, that might have been the scenario. So that leads us to the next Forex. With the right platform Forex day trading can be almost like a vacation for the trader who deals with other financial products in other markets. Not only are there less governing bodies to deal with, it means less binding rules and regulations to pay heed to when making your trades as well. For instance, in the Forex world, there is no such thing as "insider trading." If you know something either harmful or beneficial to the exchange rate of the Euro, then feel free to capitalize on that information at will. The equivalent information at the stock exchange, might very well lead to an investigation by the SEC. Always keep in mind that 95% of currency trades are speculative. What that means is that this is a very risky venture. Without correct and through training and the right kind of software to trade on, you can very easily lose your investment. To be affective the platform should meet at least a minimum of three qualifications.

1. It must be able to offer live streaming technical data. (Otherwise the program is merely educational)

2 Visually it has to be large enough for all the data to be seen easily. (Many of the online brokerage’s technical data is too small to be useful)

3. It must be cost effective. (Most good systems can be purchased for between one and two hundred dollars)

The Forex platforms not only meet but exceed these qualifications. They not only offer live streaming technical data, but you can view real-time prices in 37 currency pairs and spot gold. Also you can execute market orders with just one mouse click and choose from eight available order types. Remember we are trading currency, which is vulnerable to political and economic news, so all of the platforms have access to view up to the minute news headlines and market commentary.

I don’t profess to being an expert, but I do know of some. I obviously don’t have the time to go into all the details now, but at my site. Market Mentalist you will find all you need to know about investing online. There is access to some of the top trading systems available including Forex software, books, newsletters, and Forums. Whether you are an inquisitive novice or a seasoned pro Market Mentalist offers the online investment resource you just might be seeking.

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