A lot of people will say that they have discovered the Forex trading secrets of success.There are so many different offers promising the next big secret or system to big profits. How many of them actually work? They all promise beating the market and give off wild dreams to people that really are in essence, false hope. There does not seem to be any fact in most of these systems, believe me, Ihave reviewed most of them.

I really would like to reveal something that will allow you to do things you see on TV everyday, people enjoying life etc. You don't have to worry about what your future holds because you will have total control over what's next in your life! FACT..

Now, is your chance to get the very same system that the Banking Elites use on a daily basis to make massive amounts of cash from the Forex Market. With Inside Forex Secrets you will be Shown the exact formula that banks and other successful people use to achieve Real Results in the currency exchange market. You will be shown How To Avoid Common Mistakes like, Overtrading, Trading on Feelings - You need to work by the rules. With all due respect, in any business a plan needs to be followed for one to succeed! It is no good just

going on a whim. If you jump in without a plan, disaster always seems to prevail. You will see how to follow the market and know exactly when to trade and gain the most profit. You will be able to target the gaps in the market. This is a definitive and complete blueprint to earning a six figure income from your own home...

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Once you key in all the necessary things you want to put in to your trade, you would let now the Forex robot to run by its own system, letting you run away from the computer. You would be able to save more time now; you won't be waiting now for applicable signals for you to trade successfully in the Forex Market. By automatically letting your Forex Robot do the trading for you, they can execute your plans without your help. By this, you can let go of your emotions on doing your trading, for some trades in the Forex Market lure you to use your gut feeling, making you forget of all your solid strategy.

The common principle in trading states that 'buy low, sell high' . This has been around in the Forex Market arena for a long time. But, some of the Forex traders often forget this single advice. There are times that the currency is low, but some traders are hesitant to buy the currency, because they fear that it might go lower. Also, when greed comes into play, some don't just sell in hopes that it would go higher. The Forex Robot could prevent all these mishaps, you are now ensured that your plans are carried out, that you can buy and sell on your most advantage.

Some traders though, used the Forex Robot without really thinking, they just log on to their accounts, and guess positions they think they are advantageous. Of course, the Forex Market is not all pure luck, without thinking and educating yourself in the Forex Market, you would often lose. But there are traders too who used blacktest to double check if their plans and strategies are really working, this wound enable them to gain more from the business, by taking advantage of all the good things that a Forex Robot software can do.

You can say by now, that by the help of these Forex Robots, you can make yourself better on your business. And by that, you get extra credit by gaining more profit from the usual; you can now be one of those smart traders who got rich from the business. Again, Forex Robots give you almost all the advantages there is in the Forex Market, plus that it could give you a lot of free time to do more things.

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The most experienced Forex Traders search for plans and strategies to get rid of the unhelpful impact of humanly emotion trying to enter their trading equation. The best of the best traders in the world often share to the newbie in the business to stick to the hard facts, and learn how to get back on their very first theses, exclusive of any human psychology; because some of the trades might lure you to use your intuition, letting you ruin your original mindset. Traders now, who used Forex Robots is confident that they can calmly put their data on their computer and let the efficient Forex Robot software run for themselves, basically doing all the works for you.

As we all know, the Forex Market is like a battlefield; with traders from all parts of the world battling it out, using all their improved arsenals, their skills and wits so that they could gain something from the Market. If you let yourself be eaten up by these big traders all over the globe, you might get yourself in the verge of bankruptcy. With people trading in currency many hours a day, you might as well say that the Market requires a very vast amount of human endurance, but it is key to observe that human strength has its limitations; it could not go on for hours and hours. But worry not, with the help of these Forex Robots software, a trader can let his trading on autopilot, letting the Forex Robot work for you, and that is to say that these Robots can go on several hours without rest, leaving you ample time to enjoy other things, and give you a vast amount of time to strategize your new battle plan for the Forex Market. After purchasing a Forex Robot, you won't see yourself as a slave of your business; the Robot would now be there to take your work from you.

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With the emergence of the almighty forex robot came the traders' frenzied scrambling for it. Any trader who is in his right mind would consider employing a forex robot. Why wouldn't he when the robots promise to make you money for virtually nothing?

Other than offering their trading assistance, forex robots even promise to be better traders than humans.

Humans have emotions. Emotions like apprehension and greed which lose a lot of traders a lot of money all the time. Robots do not have these things. They are machines that are built for efficiency and certainty. Forex robots have a built-in system that allows them to recognize trading signals. When the system gives the green light, the robot goes and trades without hesitation and without thinking about how the transaction will aid him in his quest for wealth.

With so much money at stake, people usually fall prey to emotions that are bad for business. But the robots, boy, are they ruthless traders.

However, not all robots are good. Not all robots are efficient. Not all robots can cope with certain market conditions. So how do you know you are going to make the right decision?

By reading forex robot reviews of course.

Just like any other kinds of reviews, forex robot reviews can help you pick the right forex robot assistant. Not all robots are built the same way. There is no "one-size-fits-all" forex robot. Some robots are built to deal with only one pair of currencies while some can handle more currencies. One robot cannot be made to trade all currencies because each currency follows a distinct trend, and of course, robots are not like humans who can understand these trends and be familiar with them through experience.

Forex robot reviews must highlight the products' "specialties." If you are a new trader, forex robot reviews must tell you whether or not it is wise to purchase a robot that could handle transactions for multiple currencies. Will that kind of robot work for you? Or will it just lose you money?

The review must also tell you something about the manufacturer. How long has the manufacturer been in the market? How good has the manufacturer's sales been going? The review must help you trust a manufacturer. However, it should not do so by sounding like a paid ad.

A robot review must explain the product's specs and how the product works. Everything from the amount of set-up time to the product's platform compatibility must be covered.

Most importantly, the review must honestly tell you if the forex robot actually works or not. It should give a detailed description of the robot's performance. What is the robot's performance trend? Does it lose more than it earns?

Forex robot reviews can be helpful if they are written to help forex traders. Some reviews simply gush about a forex robot without comparing it with other robots available in the market. 90 percent of the time, these reviews are not real. They are advertisements disguised as reviews to create more credibility.

Skepticism is the key. Never believe anything that sounds patronizing. But do not believe anything that sounds too demeaning either. Reviews are guides, not persuasion tools. Be critical. In the end, it's your decision that really matters.

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If you want to make some money online and you have chosen foreign exchange trading as your path, then you are confronted with a lot of demands arising from the computer aspect. One has to be savvy with the computer so as to conduct his trades with ease and aplomb. The software that is used in forex trading has helped many people enter this realm too and it also helps the traders both experienced and novice equally.

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Any forex trading software for that matter will have certain features coming along with it like the charts and graphs, live quotes, technical analysis and indicators, open positions, margins, profit and loss, a record of the trading history and many other things as well. A few forex brokers go a step ahead and give their clients additional benefits of having a chat room where the inside members can chat and discuss various issues related to the currencies. One can decide to trade on any currency pair but usually people follow the popular trend.

The one and only way in which you can get used to forex trading is through practicing the trading moves in a demo account. It is your personal preference whether you select a web based software or a server based software. You have to do your spade work and enter the trading market so that you do not burn your fingers. The forex trading robot helps in predicting the behavior of the currency pairs in the coming three to hours span of time. So, one can take this as an indication and make their necessary and relevant moves.

Manual currency trading is not an operation that is carried out very often at all these days and even when it was, it was performed only by the highly experienced currency traders. Forex trading using robot software is the present and future way to make money without having to be an expert or spend all day in front of the computer trading by the second.

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The forex industry is the largest currency exchange trading industry on the earth today, with a daily turnover of 3 trillion dollars! Till late 90's only banks and large firms were allowed to trade in forex industry. You could also trade if you were a millionaire but now days have changed. Now even small investors are allowed to do forex trading through the internet. But this market is not only full of riches and exciting but it is also very risky.

To utilize the power of trading on internet and earn maximum by minimizing the risk involved, forex trading software was invented.

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Software that Fights Insomnia

There are two definitions for the word Forex. It is, along with FX an anagram for foreign exchange market which trade’s currencies. In a forex trade, you buy one currency while simultaneously selling another - that is, you're exchanging the sold currency for the one you're buying. The foreign exchange market is an over-the-counter market. The other Forex is a major conglomerate that is, in their own words, a global provider of online trading services, servicing customers in more than 140 countries. In the next few minutes I will attempt to educate you on both of these terms, and what they can mean to your future.

For an awful long time the foreign exchange market had been one of the financial world's best kept secrets. This is hard to believe considering it is the largest market in the world and accept for weekends trades 24 hours a day. It was mostly the playground for large banks, corporations and hedge fund managers. Currencies are trade in pairs, like the Euro-US Dollar (EUR/USD) or US Dollar / Japanese Yen (USD/JPY). Unlike stocks or futures, there's no centralized exchange for forex, so all transactions happen via phone or electronic network. That electronic network path is the reason for this astounding day trader like mentality, and also the reason that perhaps you are reading this in the first place. Your computer allows you to tap into this market, and take advantage of fact that it does indeed trade 24 hours. With average daily turnover of US$3.2 trillion, forex is without a doubt the most traded market in the world. Starting Sunday 5:00 P.M. ET to Friday 5:00 P.M. ET, forex trading begins in Sydney, and moves around the globe as the business day begins, first to Tokyo, London, and New York. So trading currencies is unlike other financial markets, because investors can respond immediately to currency fluctuations, whenever they occur - day or night.

I guess that means getting involved with FX will mean you’ll get very little sleep. Until the massive access to affordable software, that might have been the scenario. So that leads us to the next Forex. With the right platform Forex day trading can be almost like a vacation for the trader who deals with other financial products in other markets. Not only are there less governing bodies to deal with, it means less binding rules and regulations to pay heed to when making your trades as well. For instance, in the Forex world, there is no such thing as "insider trading." If you know something either harmful or beneficial to the exchange rate of the Euro, then feel free to capitalize on that information at will. The equivalent information at the stock exchange, might very well lead to an investigation by the SEC. Always keep in mind that 95% of currency trades are speculative. What that means is that this is a very risky venture. Without correct and through training and the right kind of software to trade on, you can very easily lose your investment. To be affective the platform should meet at least a minimum of three qualifications.

1. It must be able to offer live streaming technical data. (Otherwise the program is merely educational)

2 Visually it has to be large enough for all the data to be seen easily. (Many of the online brokerage’s technical data is too small to be useful)

3. It must be cost effective. (Most good systems can be purchased for between one and two hundred dollars)

The Forex platforms not only meet but exceed these qualifications. They not only offer live streaming technical data, but you can view real-time prices in 37 currency pairs and spot gold. Also you can execute market orders with just one mouse click and choose from eight available order types. Remember we are trading currency, which is vulnerable to political and economic news, so all of the platforms have access to view up to the minute news headlines and market commentary.

I don’t profess to being an expert, but I do know of some. I obviously don’t have the time to go into all the details now, but at my site. Market Mentalist you will find all you need to know about investing online. There is access to some of the top trading systems available including Forex software, books, newsletters, and Forums. Whether you are an inquisitive novice or a seasoned pro Market Mentalist offers the online investment resource you just might be seeking.

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Forex Trading with Robots. What do you need to know.

Following the progress of beginners using the forex robots I have decided to write a list of tips that will help them trade successfully.

#1 Understand risk management

#2 How Lot size affects risk

#3 When the Broker refers to leverage what does he really mean?

#1 Risk management.

The first rule of trading is “Don’t risk money that you cannot afford to lose” sounds simple, but people do. The next point is paper trade (use a demo account) until you are confident you have an understanding of what is happening for each trade and you are totally familiar with the settings and what they actually mean. The more you understand the better you will trade (even with a robot). The next rule you will have heard is don’t trade more that 1% of your margin per trade. That is sensible if you have a larger capital. If on the other hand you are trading with under $1000.00 that rule is not realistic. However you do not want to risk all your capital on one trade. If it goes wrong you are out of the game.

#2 How Lot Size Affects Risk.

This is not always clear to beginners, but it is the size of your transaction that depicts the size of your risk. Let me explain if you buy 1 standard lot , that is valued at 100,000 units of the base currency. To make it easier we will use the USD as the base currency, therefore you have traded USD$100,000 and you might only have $1000 as your capital. To find out the leverage you must divide the transaction value by your margin.

Example. 100000/1000 = 100, so for every dollar you have, you have risked $100.00.

If you traded a mini lot valued at $10,000 with the same margin

10,000/1000 = 10, for every dollar you have, you have risked $10

If you traded a micro Lot valued at $1000 with the same margin

1000/1000= 1, for every dollar you have , you have risked $1.00

# 3 When The Broker Refer To Leverage, What Does he Really Mean

When you first open your account the broker will offer leverage 100:1, 200:1 and sometimes 400:1.

This is not true leverage as we have already understood that the Lot size determines the risk/ leverage you use. What the brokers are saying is the minimum amount of margin you must have for each trade. 100:1 means they will require $1000 margin per $100,000 traded. 100:1 is just the % stated as a ratio.

100:1 = 1%, 200:1 = 0.5% etc.

Agreeing with the broker to have 200:1 or 0.5% as a minimum margin does not mean that each trade has to use the full amount they will offer.


$1000 margin , you can still trade only a mini lot value of $10,000 and your leverage is 10 (as above #2) The advantage of having a small margin requirement is to enable you to trade with a small starting capital. However do not risk all your capital on one trade. Also if you have more than one trade open , the risk of all open trades is added together.

Good luck trading .

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Automated forex software, also known simply as forex robot is a product of innovations in technology and the tricks of the best traders in the forex market. It automates trading decisions by using in built features that analyze the market in a fast and logical manner. It makes forex trading simple, fun-filled, quick and thought-free!

To make trade decisions that are profit making, automated forex software can be used. It serves both beginners as well as experienced traders; small account holders as well as large account holders. It limits risks by having 'stop loss' breaks in the system that automatically quits trading when some thing unexpected happens.

In automated forex software, decisions are arrived at in a methodical way. The algorithms are written to analyze various parameters and pick trades that maximize profits. The decision making process is not only precise but very fast. There fore a lot of time can be invested in actually playing around in the market, getting into action, rather than wasting time in pondering over trade decisions and analysis. Forex robots also offer high usability; they are easy to navigate and all the thought process and calculations that go into decision making is done by them. They provide reports for gathering real time information about the accounts.

Forex software is simple to use. Hence it can be used by novices too, who do not know much about forex trading and yet want to participate and make profits from the forex market. There are automated forex software available that come with real-time proof of profits and money back guarantee, if the advertised results are not achieved.

Forex Boomerang promises its users to be an ultra powerful, fully automated tool that will make profitable trade decisions. It can be set up to trade forex 24 hours a day for 5 days a week. It has a low risk and high return formula built into it.

FAP Turbo is automated forex software that is very simple to use yet guarantees exponential profits in a very short period of time. It can be used effectively with small and large trading accounts. It provides live proof of profits being made using real time accounts for its customers.

Forex Maestro is a robot that is supposed to have artificial intelligence built into its system promises that the system is fool-proof and can gather in huge profits. It claims to compare very advantageously with the other forex robots available in the market.

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